This word seems fitting for today.

Election Day always seems to bring out my inner optimist. There are lots of people out and everyone seems upbeat. The election workers are excited and helpful. It’s hard to characterize the process as a pitched battle, even though the campaigns might have had that quality.

We’re going over to our neighbors to watch the returns. I remember watching the returns in 2016 and the awful feeling that started that night and lasted for days. Now I’m more cautious. I don’t know. Uncertainty. What’s certain though is that some large group of people is going to be very gleeful and another group’s going to be very upset. I’m trying to maintain a hopeful attitude no matter which group I end up in.
I was much more hopeful before the results started coming in. Now I just have 2016 PTSD.
Me too, Nancy. Hard to hang on to hope.
if we let hope die, “they” win … we must each of us find the next right thing to do and keep moving toward the light
I weeded my garlic bed and will plant soon. It was therapeutic to dig in the dirt.
for whatever reason, I cannot comment on your next post, so I will say it here …
it is wonderful news that Sam won a local race … a ray of light in the midst of darkness … may he be a true protector of your community’s way of life in the face of whatever comes out of Washington DC
Liz A, I fixed the commenting issue, sorry about that. It’s amazing the perspective winning a local race brings into the picture. It did cross my mind that he may be called upon to deal with federal fallout in some way.
This breaks my heart … it is the unimaginable!!
I described it as “unthinkable” to my niece. I’m protecting myself from the news…
My hopes were so high. This is heartbreaking. As Liz says, we must keep moving toward the light.
We can encourage each other.