
Video on YouTube: Visitors last night
I’m not sure how to post a video effectively, but am so excited to report four – yes, four! – bears in the yard last night! They were after birdseed. Sam had replenished the feeder just before dinner, which is unusual for him. Usually he does it in the morning. I was in bed and heard a racket under the window. The mama bear had knocked over the bird feeder, then left the three cubs to polish off the sunflower seeds. They were very noisy, moaning, snuffling, and licking, while mom hovered around protectively. Sam just happened to have a bright spotlight at hand inside which explains the sudden lighting in the video.
I wonder where they’ve gone from here. It’s still too warm to hibernate, so they’ve got lots of roaming to do still. But Hancock Point is an island really. They’d have to wade or swim to get here. So many questions. What a sight!
My heartbeat has not slowed down … and I’m only looking at a picture. But oh my I can totally imagine how fantastic it was to see a family of bears. BIG WOW!!!
The video Sam took is really heartstopping. I’ll post it when he uploads it.
Wow! What an evening surprise for you guys!! Time to think about the bird feeder invitation ????
It was very exciting. We’ve already put the feeder back up. Why? we love to watch the birds and the bears seem to come very seldom – we’ve been here almost 10 years and only seen them 3 times. At least we don’t store seeds outdoors in a can or something.
haha You made me chuckle. I’m never really surprised about what humans do. I’ve not lived with bears, so my fear factor is higher 🙂
My in-laws used to live in Sandpoint, Idaho, and were raided by bears every so often. They kept a big plastic bucket of sunflower seeds on their back deck, and guess what happened to it… I guess I got used to the idea of bears from their experiences. It can be very bad when they break into a house or trailer, or god forbid, someone’s tent.