The season has changed. Most of the leaves have fallen. Although it’s still unseasonably warm. Too warm to plant the garlic.

We walked on a new trail, recently opened. It’s called the Community Forest and managed by the Frenchman’s Bay Conservancy. I’m so glad it’s here.
From FBC’s website:
The next chapter of this land’s history will include regrowing big trees, ensuring valuable habitat for Maine’s wildlife, and creating new opportunities for outdoor recreation.

What does the sign say? No one could figure it out. The trail maintenance crews must have decided to leave it. One thing I love about Maine is the prevalence of derelict signs. Someone wanted to communicate something, but what exactly has been lost in the past.

I put a pumpkin of top of fallen lily leaves at the end of the driveway. It reminds me of an egg in a nest.

Just a small example of the extraordinary color blueberries turn in the fall. There is huge acreage nearby that’s turned astonishing shades of red maroon and red orange. When we moved here, I never expected fall colors to appear at ground level.
The end of October feels sad to me this year. It probably has something to do with the election.
Oh that trail look great! I’m guessing you’ll be enjoying it many times this season. The sprinkled puddle of color in that last pic is very cool. I couldn’t figure out the sign either ????
If we get any snow, it will be perfect for cross country skiing. After looking at the sign a long time, I think it says “Planted with Red Pine” but I can’t decipher the last line. Might make sense because it was previously a forestry area.
Yes, I see that. I played with the saturation. I think the bottom says May 1997 (or 1?) Something like that.
I was thinking about manipulating the photo to see if it helped! I think you cracked the code, the last line is probably a date. Thanks!