We were a day late for viewing the full moon. But it still looked great coming up over the bay. We went down to the marina for a good view to the east.

The photographs don’t show how colorful it was. I think the iPhone camera adjusted to make it more white. But I do love the gradated glow in the sky that the phone captured.

When we got out of the car at home, we were treated to a serenade by coyotes – howling at the moon, or just communicating to each other? They sounded very near to the house. It’s not unusual to hear them at night, but I’ve never seen one here. I think of them as having a western range and indeed, researching the Internet tells me that Maine coyotes are actually coywolves.
Coywolves are native to Maine. They are not an invasive species. Their existence in Maine is the result of a natural immigration to fill a void in the ecosystem created by humans when we exterminated wolves. No one brought them here and over the last century or so, they have become an integral part of the ecosystem.
Thanks for the beautiful moon and for teaching me something new!
You’re welcome!