Monthly Archive: September 2024


The asters have been so prolific this season. Meadows full of billowy white puffs of blossoms. Occasional plants with blooms all shades of lavender. The back garden row has two large clumps of the...

A festival of harvest joy

Common Ground Fair 2024. We had a great time at the fair, as usual. Until I go to the fair, I don’t completely accept fall is coming. Being at the fair teaches me to...

Camp lately

Yesterday we had to go to camp early to prepare it for my niece’s visit next week. Here are some current camp photos: We’re heading to the Common Ground Fair today. First, have to...

Black Mountain

Lately we’ve developed a nice routine of hiking on Sunday. Last Sunday it was Black Mountain. Here’s the map at the trailhead. It’s hard to decipher. I think we started at the “P” under...

Early evening

This is a beautiful wild corner of my rock garden. Big goldenrod, Autumn Joy sedum turning pink, some kind of artemisia, and milkweed. The beautiful weather is the same every day. It lulls me...

So much

So much is going on, has gone on, in September so far. I have lost the knack of posting currently from the present day. I think about it a lot and take photos and...