It’s muddy

4 Responses

  1. Nancy says:

    Well, now that you mentioned the braiding…I can’t help but think of the many creative women (not me) who would braid, cord weave and make into paper ???? There is such a life to the spent stalks.
    Your garden is so vibrant and inviting.

    • Catherine says:

      The stalk is too stiff to manipulate by hand, but the leaves might be made into something? I’ve used iris leaves before, they work well for cordage.

  2. Liz A says:

    dank … that’s the word that comes to mind … so yes, I totally get your wanting to get the garlic out of the ground and cleaned up

    the zucchini looks amazing

    • Catherine says:

      Yes, dank. Sam made a drying contraption out of a large cardboard box, fencing, and a fan that will help a lot.

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