Moving along with the housetop quilt – I think I’ll call it Skylight. I’m making it up as I go. I think I’ll stop with the undyed linen after another round. I have a lot of dyed fabric. Probably – maybe? – more than I need for a blanket size quilt. However, I don’t think I’m prepared for how big this is going to grow. I’m going to have to work in a different place and a different way as it gets bigger.

I want to put some interruptions (patches) into the design, but I also love the purity of it, so I’m sticking with the blue and white strips for awhile. I can always applique some patches into the strips afterwards.

Meanwhile – some blooms in the front garden. St. John’s Wort and Cranesbill geranium. Such nice colors.

Your Skylight quilt is going to be wonderful! I am looking forward to watching it grow.
I’m so glad you like it, Dana. Hearing that is motivating!
It does look just like a skylight!! It is so calm and lovely. I will be watching it grow.
I had to laugh when I saw your name for it, my first thought was yes, a skylight…just like the ones over medical equipment in procedure rooms or in pre-op rooms. haha
The flowers, while also beautiful are so bright in their cheerfulness.
Love to come here…and am never disappointed!
Oh boy, medical equipment associations. I’m glad I can offer you some flowers.
The blue and white combination is so soothing. This will be a beauty (it already is).
I’m picturing it as a summer throw – it can be chilly here even in summer.
It’s lovely .. one way to add interruptions would be to break up one of the solid lines every now and again. Instead of solid blue or white break it up using alternating blue and white 4×4 blocks .. sizing would depend on the width of your rows. Just an idea but whatever you do it’ll be wonderful. One cannot go wrong with linen and hand dyed fabrics.
I love that idea, Tina! I will definitely try it.