We are dealing with the heat over the past two days. We’ve been walking early in the morning. It’s tolerable. Then breakfast, then watering the garden.
There’s a shipwreck in the photo. Actually a partially sunken boat, but shipwreck is more fun to say. It’s causing controversy in the town. People don’t want it ruining their view, the owner can’t be located, the person that moored it there is itinerant and without means, the coast guard won’t touch it, and the town doesn’t want to get involved. So it sits there, partially submerged. At least they’ve confirmed it’s not leaking any fluids.

I’ve finished stitching three rings on the housetop quilt. I’m trying to decide whether to alter the colors now or keep going with the same light indigo. It might be a good idea to make some sketches.

And there was a very different sky toward dinner time. It seems like we haven’t had a good thunderstorm in a long time. I enjoy them.

OH…how I love the gentle colors of this block. The plain and the light print…and then the dark center…like the opposite of the thunderstorm brewing pic ????
As far as the shipwreck…as long as it is not leaking, is environmentally okay…ooh, I can think of interesting things to DO with it…use it for school children to Learn about the environment, the eco systems…to Become writers – Shipwreck as a Prompt…a giant bird/wildlife refuge, bird feeder…an art installation – I can see wonderful prayer flags flying from it.
Well, that was fun!
Your imagination is wonderful!