The Golden Houses are hung at the gallery. They look good!

I had one valerian bloom in the driveway last year. Such a surprise. I don’t know how it got there. This year, I checked the spot and found – a patch! Enough to try to transplant some of it out of the driveway. It sends up a tall elegant flower stalk. I am just getting to know this plant.

We walked around Eagle Lake in Acadia Park on a recent fine day. It was a strenuous hike with lots of “bouldering,” which I guess is a description of the boulder hopping we had to do on part of the path. Amongst all the boulders, this one stood tall, watching over the trail.

The Yellow Houses look great! Please tell more about the lamps.
Love that ‘standing rock’ – literally!
Thanks, Nancy. I’ll find out more about the lamps next time I go there. Standing rocks seem so human-like to me.
Your golden houses and the lamps totally complement one another … job well done to the gallery owner and of course you artist!!
Thank you, Tina! It was very exciting to turn them over to the gallery owners and let them take care of this phase. The lamps emphasize the cozy cabin vibe, I think.
at first, i didn’t want to see the lamps there….wanted just the houses but over time, as i’ve returned and returned, it’s become ok.
lends that sense of what might be
thank you so much for bringing Us there
There is so much artwork in there. It’s a small space with a lot of little nooks. So much to look at. It’s in Corea, Maine, which is often mistaken for Korea the country of course.