I’m around, I just can’t seem to keep up. I’m trying to be careful with my priorities. Of course, trying to fit in a lot of planting and plant-tending time into an already full schedule would create a jam.
My animal friends are really enjoyable lately. I love purple finches (or maybe this is a house finch?). We didn’t have them in Connecticut. The males are a beautiful cherry color.

This red squirrel is getting very bold. He or she? is perching on top of the electric fence device that’s supposed to keep raiders away from the bird feeder. Looking in the window at me, washing the breakfast dishes. I had to laugh.

This is the stack of Golden House embroideries all framed. Eleven of them. I need to put on the wire hangers. Waiting for D-rings to arrive in the mail. Over the winter I cut all the border fabrics from stash cloth and hand-stitched them along the sides of the embroideries. When stretched over the bars, these border strips leave a nice edge on the front. I’m supposed to deliver these to the gallery by May 17.

Would love to see a picture once your works are all hung at the gallery .. I’m excited for you!! Walking our dog Sweetie this morning I saw endless signs and smells that spring is here.
Oh yes, I’ll be taking a picture at the gallery. Probably more than one.
don’t you love their hands?…fingers? and can you say more about what’s the Haps at the Gallery? or, if you already have,
and i somehow missed it, direct me to the post where you did? The framing is Excellent! i
So funny, their hands and their little faces and ears. Little mischief maker was trying to chew into a plastic cooler where we keep sunflower seeds on the deck. Had to bring it in. Yes, the gallery. I haven’t said much yet. It’s a new adventure. I’ll keep you posted.
what a beautiful bird! I don’t think we have those out west. And that cheeky squirrel! Too funny.
Your framed pieces invite wonder…what does each one look like with its framing fabric, as they are all different. So much completed work! I am impressed. I agree, please share gallery pics!
I was shocked by the color the first time I saw that finch up here. I couldn’t believe it wasn’t up there in popularity with cardinals, blue birds and goldfinch. Maybe its range is limited. I will take photos of each piece with the framing fabric. It was quite interesting choosing those fabrics.