Eagle lake walk
It’s been a busy week. The days have passed so quickly now that it’s more possible to work outside. We went to Mount Desert Island on Tuesday. I wanted to buy some seed starting mix that’s only available locally at a store there. They didn’t have it, but were expecting a shipment soon. So we’ll have to go back.
Maybe we’ll take another walk in Acadia Park.
Our idea was to circumambulate Eagle Lake. Note the sign “Around Lake.”

We got about halfway down one side, then stayed on the carriage trail instead of taking a woodland path. The path would have taken us along the lake shore and around to the other side. Instead we veered off uphill for a while until we realized we better go back the way we came.

We stopped to admire Cadillac Mountain. The summit is the first location in the continental US to see the sun (during the winter that is).

There are innumerable rocks and boulders along the trail, everywhere around here actually. This rock formation caught my eye . It looks like the slabs were intentionally laid on top of each other. They fit so well. I don’t know how it was formed but the lichen and moss indicate it’s been that way for a long time.

This stream burbled over a series of rock ledges. The water flowing into Eagle Lake from many streams looks very clean.

The park has a lot of these beautiful stone bridges. This one allows people to pass under the busy road. These bridges add to the tranquil atmosphere of the park, for me. My friend, an expert rug hooker, finished a project a few years ago to represent all the bridges in hooked format. She won an award from Friends of Acadia for the effort. I like knowing the bridges exist in both a stone and a soft format.

Maybe next time we’ll make it around the lake.
Man, you have such gorgeous places to walk! Her Bridges projects are amazing. So many bridges, so little time, eh? Very different from my area. I like the stone ones and I remember seeing covered bridges in NH when we visited there.
People in the park take good care of the stone bridges. They are treasured. I love covered bridges too. I think they are disappearing.
that beginning …. the layered stones…..someone had great intention
Rocks hold so much wonder and mystery.