Early growth
I’m thinking about spring. The unpredictability of the weather, day by day. Yesterday and today – beautifully sunny and almost starting to be warm. Tonight and tomorrow – snow storm.
But also, taking a longer view, I see the predictability. We plant the seeds, the plants come up.
A great podcast I listened to yesterday: Earth as Koan, Earth as Self. Featuring Susan Murphy Roshi from Australia.
She offered many gems of thought in this interview. I found this one particularly meaningful:
Someone came to Zhaozhou asking, When difficult times come to visit us, how should we meet them? Which seems like a very pertinent koan for right where we are. And Zhaozhou just gave a one-word response. He just said, Welcome. Now that welcome goes very wide and deep when you look at it. It is the courage of, or the fearlessness of, not-knowing. To say welcome, in a way, is to already place yourself at home. You welcome a guest coming to meet you in the form of a difficult situation, difficult time. But by saying “welcome,” you are taking the form of host, or the role of host, towards a guest. And that sense of being at home right where you are, located, completely located is already a totally different grounding. You have earthed yourself. But also, not-knowing is a form of welcome towards each thing that is happening. It is not opposing. It is not putting up a barrier. It is finding no obstacle. Welcome, you know. It is such a wide-open state.
Susan Murphy Roshi
such a lovely sign of welcome … and I very much like your pointing out the implications of the word
I really liked her explanation of “welcome” – especially “to always place yourself at home.”
I agree with Liz .. it truly is a lovely sign of Welcome. Thanks for the podcast link … love when people share interesting links. Haven’t listened yet but definitely will.
Sam’s son gave us that sign years ago when we lived in Connecticut. It is one gift I treasure, even though it’s pretty subtle against our siding here.
Just listened to the podcast .. passed it along to one of my sisters and Grace. So good … big Thanks ????
I thought it was so wise.