March blows in

8 Responses

  1. Dana says:

    Nice crewel work Catherine! I particularly like the color palette.

  2. Tina says:

    I’m seeing lots of heartfelt stitches in this piece … it’s Lovely!!

  3. Nancy says:

    Catherine~ Such a rich, deep heart. It’s charming with the added stitching.
    What a blessing to have peeps to adventure with…a walk in beauty, and treats too. Truly lucky.
    That algae is amazing.
    On the coast here, during big El Nino years, large pieces of driftwood arrive. Folks build an array of forts, teepees, small houses…you choose your name. The year that was most amazing to me was 2005. I bet this year would be good too, she says dreamily.

    • Catherine says:

      We have a lot of driftwood piled up on the shore near our home. It’s a mess, all mixed in with seaweed.

  4. Liz A says:

    not for the first time, my eye is drawn to the feathering that appears in the stitches between the patches …

    • Catherine says:

      Something about tiny stitches really appeals to me. Not sure how long my eyes will allow me to do it though.

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