Sketch journal June 2023

I took a calligraphy class as a young woman in Napa California. It must have been 1978 or 1979. I wasn’t great at it, but I was motivated to practice. And I still love making letterforms. My secret wish is to use them to make words – words that elude me right now.

Moving into the black pages for the rest of June. I can sense the challenge of trying to get the right medium for the black paper. This is diluted white watercolor. It was too pale, so I felt like I needed to enhance the letters with some more white. (Ran out of steam at “L”.)

A fantasy – what if buildings didn’t have to rest on a solid foundation?

And more playing around with black and white. This is a scribbled form, with pieces then colored in with white pen. I’d like to use this technique in cloth someday.
I really like the contrast of the last one!
I was taking calligraphy classes around the same time … didn’t have whatever it takes to practice enough to be consistent, although I’ve always had patience enough when it comes to stitching … go figure
I really love the look of calligraphy, but it’s very demanding. I lean toward messy and inconsistent whether in sketching or stitching.