This morning
I woke up at dawn. I saw this gleam in the sky. When I put my glasses on, I could see it was a crescent moon, accompanied by a planet. Venus? The dawn was just showing color beyond the trees.

Clouds moved in quickly after that photo, eliminating the celestial show. It was cold in the house. Sam was downstairs restarting the fire in the woodstove.
I’m going to be applying more fresh cloth to this worn quilt today. I got the binding done a week ago. Then I noticed how worn the purple cloth had become on the front. I had to fix that also. The more I look, the more wear I notice.
I’m feeling rushed by a self-imposed deadline of next Thursday. We’ll be traveling to meet with family for a pre-holiday holiday and I wanted to give this quilt back to my niece then. I’m starting to think instead I should finish the mending, covering all or almost all the purple on the front. Making it look like a different quilt.
I can handle a seemingly neverending project. Maybe it’s a legacy. I think of my mother and grandmother and aunt making many quilts, with innumerable stitches – and now they’re gone. Their quilting is done. I’m just following up on that effort, here and there, trying to preserve a little if possible.
I have more fabric. I’m going to cut more patches. It will take as long as it takes. Feels better deciding on that.

Yes, Venus. I also saw this beautiful pairing early this morning. The quilt is a treasure. I applaud your efforts to prolong its life.
It was a beautiful sky. Thank you for your appreciation.
J. says Venus too ????
Sometimes just deciding to change course is such a relief! stitch after stitch, time after time…a life project.
Please continue to share here!
Sharing here keeps me on track – I hope.
as long as it takes. yes. let it. Take as long as it takes
It feels much better than rushing.
the new day is dawning as I read this … I will watch for the crescent moon and its companion
I looked this morning – Venus was there, but no moon. It’s the new moon.