Chill in the air
All day I’ve been thinking about people losing their lives in war zones. It’s solemn. The sky held this drama.

It’s been a quiet day here, stitching squares for the garden quilt, and working in the kitchen. I shredded summer squash for freezing and cut up apples for dehydrating. Went out walking. A bald eagle flew over my head. I met a man named Dan and we had a pleasant conversation. There’s a chill in the air.
The simple things that make a life rich beyond measure. That sky, sea and shore is amazing.
I hardly know what to say about the state of the world. It is so awful.
It is truly awful.
I used to wonder why the people in 1930s Germany didn’t DO SOMETHING to ward off the evil that was growing in their midst … now I think I understand
Yes, I can understand that. I feel very isolationist in my own little world.
when you go walking….is it just outside your back door? or do you drive
to the place of walking?
this shore. is continuing to be so strange to me….i can FEEEEEL myself there/here….can smell it
I can walk here from my house – no driving. Isn’t it amazing! There are beautiful places around that I could drive to also, but I rarely do – why should I? I’m glad you feel this affinity.