The fair

12 Responses

  1. Marti says:

    Thanks Catherine for sharing the fair with us. What a full, active, engaging, informative event.. Your photos certainly brought it all to life, my favorite photos-, the parade, the little bee and strawberry were special favorites.

    A harvest festival of a different sort is the yearly Harvest Festival, which until recently, we always attended- the festival at El Rancho de Las Golondrinas near Santa Fe, New Mexico. This is New Mexico’s best living history museum. Bread baked in adobe hornos, ristra making, cooking tortillas on a giant comal, sorghum harvesting, natural dyeing and fiber arts, apple cider making, blacksmiths, story telling, music and dance, etc. One of my favorite activities was wreath making with lots of native plants and windfall gathered from the ranch. Here is the link:

  2. LaceLady says:

    Thank you so much for taking me ~ and all the other “armchair travelers” here along with you ~ to this marvelous fair! I love fairs, and this looks like a truly special one.

  3. Stephanie says:

    What a splendid fair. I would love to be there!

  4. jude says:

    great loom!

  5. grace says:

    ALLLLLLL of it….just GRAND! and for me, of course, the Praying Mantis…..i want to make one for my self to wear around here…
    Everything, just everything. I love to read the comments of the judges on the jars of things, slices of pie….in Socorro, NM, one year
    i won a blue ribbon for my Bread and Butter Pickles…. CRISP!!!!, my judge said….
    Thank You so much for sharing this…you DO live in a very Wonder Full Place. ….more ThankYou

  6. Nancy says:

    What an amazing fair!! How lucky you are! Love the loom…but mostly just the fact that this kind of fair happens. Wonderful.

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