Late summer in the hoophouse
We put the cover back on the hoophouse. The idea was that it would trap some heat in there and help ripen the tomatoes and tomatillos that are growing there. Ever since we did that, it seems that it’s been hot. Well, maybe it’s some protection against the rodents that are eating the seedlings.

Can you see the sunflower blooming in the back bed? It was chewed by a deer so thoroughly that it had only one leaf left. Then it grew a lot of new branches and then new buds and now it’s blooming beautifully. It looks especially great in the subdued light in there from the cover.

I let the kale self-seed. It is very productive. I should probably thin the babies, but I don’t know if I’ll get to it. I like clipping baby greens from a thick carpet of kale. But I do want some of these to grow up and become parents themselves next spring.

I removed this web a few days ago because it was getting really thick. The spider went back to work immediately. This is obviously a very desirable site for a spiderweb.

Spiders seem to be everywhere lately. I spotted this handsome weaver near the house. Those long elegant black legs!

ha. Today was a day for me to post about sunflowers too! And a spider…which I actually forgot to include! There was a beautiful 12 inch web out front as I was bringing in groceries. So pretty 🙂
I love seeing the spiders in their big webs.
as we drove through sun-parched fields the other day I marveled that there are still sunflowers blooming … they are aptly named in more ways than one
Their life force is so strong
The sunflowers are so cheering and that is a gorgeous spider.
So much beauty
the Kinds of housekeeping
Oh yes