A book of paintings
Something different. A friend organized a bookbinding get-together on Tuesday. I had accumulated some watercolor paintings that I’ve been doing for over a year. And I had instructions for a single sheet binding using a Coptic stitch variation. So this was the project I brought. It’s really good to get this book bound and out of my WIP bin. I’ll use this binding again for single sheets. It works well.

The ten paintings are all watercolor and are composed of mixes of three colors: a red, a yellow, and a blue. There are whole studies of different triads and the resulting palettes. This is my own personal study. Here’s a watercolor artist I got some ideas from:
Jane Blundell – Watercolor Triads

The composition of each painting is completely free form, just the shapes and colors that came to mind. The fun comes from making as many variations as possible with three colors, using mixes of the colors, dark vs. light tones, and gradients. And it’s an opportunity to practice brush control. To avoid the colors merging into each other, each shape is separated by a thin white line from its neighboring shapes. Lots of fun.

thank you for this…seeing is as good as if i’d tried it….
You’re welcome. I’ve been using that thought too.
looks great!
Thank you! I enjoyed doing it.
Wow! What a fun project. I like the look of the white lines in between…so beautiful in an organized, but not completely way.
I enjoyed this a lot. My friend would invite me over to paint and I always had something in progress that I could work on. Allowed me to use watercolor without the pressure of trying to paint “something!”