Seeing what I see

9 Responses

  1. Stephanie says:

    I love the word/concept of “guild.” The borage photo is stunning. I struggle not to be overwhelmed by the work needing to be done, thereby missing the beauty. My husband Robert reminds me that it’s more “graceful” to see the beauty. That concept is helping me.

    • Catherine says:

      I can easily feel overwhelmed. After years of gardening, I realize I can only do what I can do in one day. I can still miss the beauty. It helps me to take photos. I like thinking “graceful.”

  2. Nancy says:

    Ooh…a new meaning for “guild”! I’ll look for that when out and about.

  3. Liz A says:

    I love the guild concept … which reminds me of the Native American three sisters (squash, maize and beans)

    the colors in the borage and red lettuce are all the more vibrant being next to each other

  4. grace says:

    THIS is what i meant when i made that comment about your Garden….
    your Garden is not really YOUR Garden, it is Garden. a PlaceBeing that partners with you…i think with the above….
    You are one of the Guild….is this not a Beauty Full thought?
    Your Garden DOES have order…in many of your photographs i see this but it also, more importantly to me, has Will and Life…
    Agency that cannot be contained.
    it is not a display. a display of human ego, it is a Being and in your case, so so Giving, Fruitfull
    I love your Garden

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