More time in the orchard

We transplanted this gooseberry from the back corner of the fruit yard to the orchard. It was neglected back there and getting choked by weeds. The owners before us planted it. I knew nothing about gooseberries until I identified it one day. Today I harvested five or six tasty berries from it. They taste kind of like a kiwi fruit in berry form. The colors are so rich. The shrub has grass growing up into it, probably brought it from its earlier location. I don’t know if I’ll take the trouble to weed it or let it go. I’m suspicious about this gooseberry plant because, along with currants, it’s banned in Maine due to being a carrier of white pine blister rust. Maybe that’s what’s happening to its leaves. I didn’t have the heart to get rid of it though.
I was able to take a better photo of the orb weaver today due to cloud cover. I just love her web. The spider is visible in the photo at the right, but she’s camouflaged. I was trying to imagine how she makes that web – leaping from leaf to stalk to leaf, round and around? So mysterious.

the Web…..the brilliance and precision….i always try to imagine how it might FEEEL to release a web from my body. while moving.
and have it be Perfectly wrought. Have yet to see one here….keep hoping
Isn’t it amazing? It is so amazing to see and yet the spider feels like it’s so natural, I’m sure.
in spite of being less than thrilled about spiders in general, I confess to having felt true joy each time the resident orb weaver showed up next to the outdoor shower back in our Hill Country days … that said, I never got the same warm fuzzy feeling when encountering tarantulas, which also shared the land with us … ha!
I’ve never had gooseberries, but their close relatives the tomatillos are an integral part of our Texas cookery … maybe someday
Not a huge fan of spiders, but I do love the orb weaver. They have such presence. Tarantulas … um, no. I am growing tomatillos, although I’m never sure how to cook with them.
Gosh that web! I saw one between two trees at work and wanted so much to take a photo. Maybe next time, on my lunch. Thanks for somehow giving me this idea!
A little hard to photograph but glad I did it!