Back to the land
I’ve been neglecting the garden. All the rain – I convince myself I don’t need to water, and thus don’t need to do anything. But – the weeds! And the climbing things like cucumbers need training on the trellis. And there is some harvesting that needs to be done. And there’s – appreciation. So — these photos.

Just gorgeous! So lush!
Sometimes it looks lush in June, but this year it took until mid-July. Looking good now.
I remember the just planted photo. It does look gorgeous and lush now.
It’s so big! Do you do a lot of preserving? I used to, but not since I moved from Pennsylvania (to VA then to OR). This year I have two tomato plants in pots on my deck. That’s it.
We do a lot of canning of tomato sauce and some freezing. Maybe some pickles if we get a lot of cukes and beans.