Stitching houses
I’ve decided to handstitch the houses on to the backgrounds. I have three done, almost four.
The colors look washed out in the photos below. They are much more interesting in person, I think.

I looked at the sewing machine and found an overlock stitch that I think would have worked. But I just couldn’t do it. Too alien to the nature of these patch houses.

I tried a hoop but it’s hard to get the cloth onto it. Maybe a bigger one would have worked better but I only have a small one and two huge ones (hand-me-downs). So it’s stitched mostly in my lap. Some tension issues but not bad. I had to redo the chimney on the one above. There’s still a pucker there, but it’s smaller than it was.

The jaunty roof line makes me smile.

This one has a purple lawn in front and a tiny doorknob.
Working on these makes me feel good. It’s a strange thing. I can’t fully explain it. There’s a drive there. A friend commented that this looked like a lot of work. Well, yeah, but it doesn’t feel that way. I don’t know if anything will come of these, but I’m enjoying them.
I love these houses. They are so cheerful! They don’t look like work to me. Not without thought and some time and effort, but more like a pleasant passage of time.
That’s right, Faith – some thought, time, and effort but entirely a pleasant occupation.
These are such happy houses! I can understand why you enjoy making them. They certainly make me smile.
I find them happy and casual, cobbled together – just my style.
These lil houses have so much spunk and spirit! Love ’em!
They really activate something deep inside.
I’m so so glad you didn’t machine stitch them … this will take longer, but I suspect you’re enjoying the time spent revisiting each little house
I knew better but I had to think about machine stitching as an option. There’s a lot of pleasure in revisiting- I even do a little “maintenance“ here and there.
stories are in these houses….so many stories are in them.
and the iris from previous post….those dried dead but so alive leaves i often use to make photographs in the basket…are brought
from New Mexico, the old Iris’ there….along the front of that tin house there…i wonder about them….how it’s gone for them?
Iris are Beings, the old grandmother tubers
You bring many more dimensions to my world, thank you