Everything is out of the pantry. Two bagsful of old and unused grains, spices, seeds, and nuts are ready for the compost. Empty mason jars are stored on top of the upper cupboards to wait for end-of-summer canning. I only have a few more products stored in plastic bags – the goal was to get everything into glass jars or at least sturdy plastic recycled containers.

In the winter, the pantry is a “cold room.” We keep it cooler than the rest of the space to help preserve stored crops. We don’t have a root cellar or any other good system for winter storage. Maybe someday.
In the summer, the pantry is just another room and tends to become a catchall space for random equipment and stuff. What we need to keep in there fluctuates seasonally. That probably means I should do a thorough cleaning twice a year but that doesn’t happen. Maybe it will become easier now that we are in more of a routine for eating and less prone to experimental purchases that don’t work out.
I’ve been saying I’m going to do this for a few weeks now. Yesterday I started it on the spur of the moment. Weird how the impulse to do majorly disruptive projects arises.
I’d like to post more photos but my photo resize tool seems to have broken and I can’ troubleshoot it right now. I’m busy!
What an ambitious project but how gratifying it will feel when all done! I enjoyed your last post showing your beautiful tomato seedlings. Isn’t it wonderful to be gardening again?
I am so happy to be gardening again. The tomatoes are doing well. Sam is painting the pantry, so we’re living with the mess for now…
ah, I smile … your home reminds me so much of our last house … which didn’t have a pantry, but did have cedar cabinets and trim with cream colored walls … having so little storage space, I had to be much more mindful of how much I could buy and where it would fit … I do so miss it, even though I appreciate the pantry in our new-to-us home
I grew up with a pantry in my parents’ house and I really love having one here. They do need cleaning periodically though!
i love this….the “putting by”. As you go, as you Garden, i look so forward to you telling about it all. It’s been years since i had
that kind of space and never, have i grown this well
It’s a way of life at this time, but who knows what the future brings.
for us, the cold room is the basement, and now that the mice are gone, who knows?
We had a weasel in the utility room this winter ????