Winter into spring
Yesterday there was beautiful sunshine. We went to the Blue Hill Co-op to do our monthly big bulk grocery shopping. For two people, we sure do eat a lot of food. After this, we got coffee and since there is no seating at this shop, we went down to East Blue Hill. Pulled off the road by this beach and had our coffee break.

In the afternoon, I went for a walk. I took a photo of my mountain, Schoodic, wearing its cloak of white. Snow is thawing rapidly on the lawn under this old apple orchard.

Today the weather is more overcast. I’m stitching some color onto the white muslin squares. It feels like a ritual to accompany the coming of spring. Helping it along in a way. I liked the way the squares looked scattered randomly on this snowbank. I also learned there is a “Vignette” option in the cell phone camera that accounts for the gray shading at the corners. It looks a bit gloomy, but seemed right.

Today I walked toward the west. Ended up on Pound Road. It was time to turn around, but I wanted to visit this little grove of some kind of grass or rushes. They stand up straight in a group like some kind of congregation. I wonder what will happen when new ones arrive in the spring. I’ll keep my eye on them. Today is a gloomy day.

I very much enjoy your posts though this is my first time to comment. Beautiful photos and creativity. Aren’t the rushes/grass wonderful?
Thank you for your comment! I love these plants & will identify them some time soon.
You are really an amazing photographer!! Thank you for share all of this natural beauty, with your eyes. ????
It’s my pleasure, Nancy!
the curved bits of color, turning the corners of the muslin squares … grace in all simplicity
The curves happened by accident. I stitch down the sides of the triangles first, then I face stitching down the hypotenuse (I think it’s called – been a while!). I push the edge down and pin in it the middle and it naturally curves up at the edges. Fun little bonus.
the squares…like little Gentle Day kites….i can see them flying together….!
I was just thinking – what happened to the girl I was who used to fly kites for an hour? Now I know 🙂