A new thought – I should really know how many trunks there are on the birch at the top of our driveway.
So I counted them. Five. And there’s another birch next to it, with a single trunk. They looked beautiful today against the blue sky.

And here’s a nine patch with a stream running through it. Snow melt is freshening little streams all over. A time of year that’s full of changes to notice.

what mighty birches … and yes, how often we look without truly seeing
the colors in your nine-patch are so appealing … warm and cool at the same time, with a lovely sense of movement
Almost everything in that nine patch is thanks to Jude.
birch, aspen, cottonwood, oak
Trees. what they mean to me. have always meant to me….
and your Flow….i watch the many rivulets of water flowing down this Hill….tiny rivers making their way
There are full ditches everywhere. Culverts under the roads, full of flowing water. I want to follow the streams, see where they go – at some point, they must reach the sea. I have favorite trees, and favorite groves along my walking routes. Love to visit them.
They look gorgeous against the sky.
They are stunning trees.