Cabin fever
I finished nine cabin patches. A very interesting process. I felt some part of my brain was retraining (or – rebelling?). Something about order and chaos. I can’t say I’m settled on an approach that I want to do again and again. I like the little purple center in the bottom row. And I like the last one, where the light-color pieces emphasize the spiral shape forming. What if? that was done over and over with just a dark and a light color?
But – setting this aside for now, as I’m motivated to work on the squares that I need to finish piecing my garden quilt-top. I made some calculations on paper. Just to finish the borders, I need 65 three-inch squares. I have 54, and not all colors will work. I also have some 2″, 1-1/2″, and 1″ which might be fun. So I’m close.

Photos are from a ski outing on Wednesday. It was quite warm (for winter) and the snow was a little sticky in places. But it was a lovely day to be out in Acadia.

It’s very popular to ski around Eagle Lake. It’s quite a long distance (for me, anyway). But if conditions are great, we might try it.
I like all the patches, at least in part for their wonkiness. My favorites are #1 because it definitely rebels. #2 because I love that blue heart. And #8 because it looks like a book on a table (or bed).
Very interesting to read your perceptions on these! I really like the blue heart one a lot too. It draws my eye.
Oh they’re beautiful! I love how different from each other they are!
Thank you! I may work them into a quilt at some point.
nine treasures. I love that you kept going, and now they can rest.
Snow is gone here. we got rain the second time around
Keep going – going to nine is good advice from you. We are getting lots of snow today, so enjoying it.
your variations on the log cabin theme are wonderfully unique … especially their free forms, which is the hardest way of going for me (I have a stubborn precision gene, but my eyes crave imprecision … go figure)
I really have a conflict between free form and precision. I want to make my squares very precise, but with these, and traditional quilting patterns in general, I feel boxed in by the precision. (ha)
love these in the same way i love Deb G’s . the variety of fabrics makes all the difference. Just very Fine
The variety of fabrics next to each other is so appealing.