I looked up “Candlemas.” It’s a Christian holiday that was originally a Celtic celebration of the cross-quarter day, or midpoint between the solstice and the equinox. For me personally, I decided to make it about light, the growing light, the returning light.
Strange weather. The rising sun lit up these clouds. There were a few sparkly snow showers while the sun was shining. The trees were covered with frost. I’m sure there was sea smoke, but I didn’t get out early in the cold to check. I really like seeing it, but oh, it’s hard to leave the house when it’s so cold.

I’m working on the houses quilt. I want to make a pile of strips that I can then use to connect the blocks. I organized scraps into three piles, 3″ strips, 6″ strips, and 10″ strips. I thought I could cut the wider ones in half and vary the patterns that way too. I might machine-stitch these together because this part of the project is very utilitarian stitching. We’ll see. So far I’ve just ironed them.

You’ve reminded me of my beloved ‘pogonip’ in the Carson Valley, NV. I loved seeing that (even if it got a bit old after 2 weeks straight! Your photos are beautiful.
I can’t wait to see how the strips and houses come together.
I had to look up “pogonip.” Never heard of that before. Today there’s a harsh wind and it’s going below zero. Brrr. Just for 2 days though.
what an amazing play of light and dark in that second image … otherworldly … and the strip of gold cloth in the middle of the last image is surely an echo
Photographers say not to take photos directly into the sun, but I disobey that all the time just for the effects.