This encounter yesterday. A pair!

They came in together behind the orchard. Then separated.
We watched one stroll around for awhile. Broke into the garden by jumping through the slats in the gate. Patrolled the perimeter of the chicken run, which is fenced. Although the fencing is falling down at the top in places, the cat didn’t get in. It must not have been that hungry. Lots of squawking.

The second one returned and together they strolled across the snow. I finally got my phone camera to work – something was wrong with the focus – and took these photos. Magnificent animals.

it’s rare to see them, and two at once!
It was very exciting. They were very visible against the snow.
what amazing creatures … and you got such clear images!
I has always hoped to see a bobcat when we were living in the Hill Country … no luck, but I do love the life-size bronze version at the Wildflower Center https://www.penick.net/digging/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/23_Bobcat_sculpture.jpg (they have a delightful assortment of life-size creatures in the Children’s Garden there … so children might approach and touch them without fear … it’s lovely to see what parts of the animals shine golden where they have been stroked by little hands)
My phone camera was acting up, not focusing properly. So I’m lucky I got any images to share. In hindsight, I wish I would have worried about the phone less and enjoyed seeing them more! That’s a great idea, having sculptures in the children’s garden.
cannot believe I missed this. Don’t you love them?, I always get so excited I forget the photos
This visit was so amazing. We’ve seen one before, but this was a pair and they stuck around a long time.