Something new I’m experiencing – at almost 67 years old (Thursday!). Going back to a project months or years later, continuing. Mending. Assembling and reassembling. Reusing. This feels new. Or maybe it feels old – something our ancestors used to do often before our throw-away cultural habits really kicked in.
I’m mending my large sofa cloth. I’ve added one full nine-patch and a few squares. Next I might quilt some of it. It will be on the table for awhile. I think that means I will have to wash it after it’s been used as a tablecloth.
And I wanted to take another look at my golden houses. This project went on the shelf last May when the garden work started taking priority. I was also uncertain about how to use them. I recently visualized just a simple layout with scrap borders separating the pieces. I’ve decided not to care that the houses are right-side up only from one angle. I think this design was inspired by looking at Jude’s alphabet quilt photos.
So I pulled them off the shelf and found a piece of linen big enough for mounting them in a layout I can look at. I might move a few of them around, but this is basically the idea. Now to decide if I want to embellish the houses more – I think yes. But I can also start piecing strips to go between them, to join the blu-ish backgrounds together. Sounds like fun!

One of the many reasons I like Jude’s blog is she talks about thoughts so much. There is a lot to think about thoughts. I’m now thinking each project is embroidered with thoughts. This one thinks about domesticity and cobbling together a home. I’ve been thinking a lot about all the makers that labored to create textiles for the home, some more “artsy” than others, but all mostly utilitarian. This feels a comfortable crowd to belong to.
We had a lot of snow. It feels like real winter. The sun came out very briefly yesterday.

we got no snow, boo, but maybe tomorrow. Love your house blanket! I find it very interesting that I can just pick up some old thing and not remember what I was thinking and just keep going by thinking about what is there and how it relates to what I am thinking now. or what I need now.
Spirit cloths are such great companions.
I love this: “There is a lot to think about thoughts” … and now thinking how blogs are such apt repositories for thoughts … and how so many of us gathered together by Jude are of like minds
I’m fairly new to your blog, so this is a first look at the golden houses for me … wondrous! … looking forward to how you put them all together
and that late afternoon sun … a beautiful image
A real neighborhood!
I’ve thought about arranging them on curvy streets and cul-de-sacs. Not sure how I’d design it though. Maybe I’ll try to draw it.