
I went with relatives to the Gardens Aglow light show at the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens yesterday. It was a long drive even though I was only a passenger and I feel groggy today.
The most impressive sight was Roskva, a giant troll. It turns out there are several of them, but Roskva was the only one on the route through the lights. You can get an idea of her size in comparison to the small children in the dark underneath her.
Roskva is the heaviest, hardest, and strongest of the trolls. Every day, Roskva climbs towards the sky, and every year she grows taller and wider. If a troll forgets something, they can always ask Roskva—she counts the seasons and remembers everything that happens around her.
From their website –
Grace’s latest blog post got me thinking again about blogging. This blog has gone through a lot of phases. I used to post here only about items I was making, but then my pace of making slowed. Currently I’m knitting and crocheting, which I think is very boring to post about because it is long-term. So what if I’ve added a few rows of the same day after day. Honestly, it is good for me because these are long-term projects and I can’t be impatient to finish them or it becomes a struggle. But at the same time, i want to keep my blog going.
Good question.
Could I post every day? About something to celebrate?
I don’t know.
Have I become lazy with words, with trying to tell?
I think many of us have gone through this ‘shall I continue’ to blog thought process, including me. My making is slower than ever and it has always been slow. But, I post about everything, not knowing if it is of interest to anyone but me. Oh well.
I hope you do post as I like it when I get here and find something new or different or a thing I didn’t know. Today I’m thinking that I would like Roskva’s memory & strength!!
It is certainly motivating to have readers. I much appreciate your reading & comments. I do like to blog & read others as much as I can.
I quite agree with both you and Nancy … I too am working on a piece that is quite repetitive, with not much to show … in the same vein, I’ve written a lot of posts in my head that haven’t made it online … and yet, I do so love spending time each morning reading the posts that others have put together, whether they be about creative ventures or the simple art of living
bottom line: whatever feels good is well worth doing or not doing, as the case may be
“the art of living” – love that phrase!