Knitting and me

8 Responses

  1. jude says:

    my mom taught me to knit but I never did much, I hardly remember. She could make socks. I made a scarf once. But I always wanted to know how to make a sweater or socks. Probably never will.
    Nice sunny window.

    • Nancy says:

      Jude~ My mom made socks too, back in the 1940’s. I always found this interesting as she didn’t “make” often, Just a few things through her lifespan. Mmmm…(((warm smile of rememberence)))

      Your room looks lovely, as does this project! I like the colors. My daughter’s 5th grade teacher taught a few of them to knit during recess. A mom at the dance studio where she danced and I worked the desk taught her to pearl. I still find these gentle connections charming, just far less frequent nowadays.

      • Catherine says:

        It was fun picking out the colors. They are probably an odd mix, but I had the sunset in mind. It is a real gift to teach someone how to do something – so much of this role is taken by YouTube these days.

    • Catherine says:

      My mom didn’t knit, but she taught me to sew. I’d like to make a sweater someday. Our house faces South, yay!

  2. Liz A says:

    Oh this picture of your home … the windows cased in wood, the walls a warm creamy color … so much like my beloved Hill Country house … I sigh with the remembering of it

    my mom loved to knit … gifted us with a cabled throw (among other things) when we married … it was my younger daughter’s favorite for many years, so mom made one for her, too … and though she tried to teach me, I could never get the hang of running the yarn around my finger and my edges always curled so I never made it past learning straight knit and purl rows …

    Looking at the colors in your shawl, I find myself regretting that I never learned more … and I must say I’m quite intrigued by the edge

    • Catherine says:

      I think the colors of yarn are the main reason I wanted to learn to knit. The edge is kind of magic – just knit 3, then yarn over, then proceed. This is Stephen West’s “garter abyss” shawl.

  3. maria says:

    i lear to knit when i was 6 y. and have knit a lot during my life , ( live ? ) if you are interest in a kint of patchwork in knitting look for ” free knitting ” that is what i love most to do , greets

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