October getting going
The lemon tree in the container is blooming its heart out. Smells delightful. I don’t know much about growing lemons in Maine, but I know the pot is heavy and Sam has to lug it in and out of doors this time of year, too heavy for me. It does not like being inside all winter, poor thing. It usually develops scale and drops lots of leaves. So it’s nice to keep it out in the sun as long as possible.

I washed these windows yesterday. They were all spotty from being near the sink. Well, the other windows are spotty too, but these were especially bad. Clean windows are delightful. And a must in the winter. The sun goes low and shines right in the windows when it’s out. I will do some of the other windows here and there – I never do an all-day window cleaning effort, too much.

These tiny white asters have come to the front garden. On their own? I don’t remember them looking so full last year. The bumblebees are having a final fling on them. In the foreground are the hens & chickens. I planted a tiny pot of them and really want them to get established. I’m happy to say there are more than twice as many as last year.

And canning – green tomato salsa today. It took hours.

Yesterday we went bike riding in Acadia and it was delightful. No photos though, although the scenery was fabulous. The town was very crowded, parking was difficult, and no-vacancy signs were on every hotel. But we did ok. Next time, I’ll go on a weekday.
oy, my windows are so in need of cleaning … maybe today?
and oh how I envy your over-the-kitchen-sink view … years (decades) ago I told Don I wanted to have a house with a view from the sink … seven houses later I’m still waiting to realize that wish
I am lucky enough to have had over-the sink windows in the last two houses. In Connecticut, I could see mainly my driveway and my neighbors house – but I still liked it. Something dreamy about washing dishes and gazing out the window.