A lot
I feel energetic today. Maybe because I finished (or started?) some things that had been on my mind for awhile.
Yesterday a walk with a friend along the shore that felt like we were in a butterfly house, there were so many monarch butterflies. This morning I woke up with the word Lepidoptera in my head, which I couldn’t come up with yesterday. It’s filed in there somewhere.
We are rebuilding the beds in the hoophouse for winter growing. This is the view from the upstairs window with two beds done. It’s a team effort. I dismantled the old rotten beds. Sam built and filled the new beds. Today I planted spinach, escarole, and carrots. Pretty reliable winter crops except maybe the carrots which I’ve had trouble growing this year. Two more beds to go.

I finished the stitching on this little book (Handmade Book Club project). It took me a long time because I deviated from the directions. The stitching is all done through prepunched holes so it was painstaking. I’m not so much liking the “pristine” aesthetic here but I have the paper, so I’m using it.

Cordage is in progress from dried dandelion stems – with inclusions. I’ve twisted dandelion cord before but never with inclusions like this: feathers, old beaded things, scraps of fabric, random charms and unworn earrings. I like the idea of gathering up bits and pieces. Although I don’t have any jewelry making skills that would let me attach wires. There’s some eyelash yarn making a very fuzzy reddish section – good way to use something I was given and had no idea how to use.

Latest nine- patches with three-inch squares. The top one is like a meadow and the bottom one is like a barely told story. I am loving the dock seed-dyed eyelet for background, but I don’t have much more than is showing in the photo. I think it’s destined to be cut up for squares. Maybe not…

While walking with my friend we were talking about how much we love October. I said there should be a way to really celebrate this coming month. Later at home I thought of maybe visiting Acadia park once a week to walk or bike. I looked up a map of the carriage trails. I like this idea. We never go there in the summer, too crowded compared to over here where we can see it from quiet spots across the bay.

And lastly a pot of goldenrod dye on the stove. It looks muddy because there’s powdered chalk in it. I read that calcium carbonate makes flavonoid dyes like goldenrod brighter. We’ll see. I’m not really a recipe follower when it comes to dyeing so I certainly can’t predict success.

I feel the energy, I really need to set up a hoop house thing, did you do that from scratch? Or was it a kit or something?
Loving your nines.
I am starting to have mixed feeling about natural dyes, most of them really do fade so quickly.
I have been sticking to substantive dyes like walnut and pom and I will dig up the madder this month. And of course indigo.
It’s a kit. I think it’s this one: https://rhinoshelters.com/product/12w-x-24l-x-8h-round-style-greenhouse/. Maybe five years old now? The door zippers have been replaced. The covering wears out eventually. So it’s not really a long term solution but it’s working for us with some maintenance. We use internal low row covers too to get thru the winter. I love the look of indigo but find it too daunting to learn enough to use it. There’s so much goldenrod here, it’s hard to resist trying to capture it.
I stitched so many counted cross stitches years ago, but yes, the regularity has become hard to take, even though it can be very functional in some applications
the cordage inclusions are fascinating … have you ever couched cordage onto a larger piece of cloth? … the curly dock cloth with a darker cloth peeking out from below might make a worthy base
I haven’t couched cordage onto larger cloth, but good idea. I’m sort of visualizing this length with inclusions draped around the top of another basket (beyond my skillset right now!). I once couched a piece of cordage onto a fabric coil basket and it’s one of my favorite happenstances https://www.gemtactics.net/wordpress/?p=10239
OH…ALL THIS!….makes me wish i lived next door!
Sometimes I wish you did too 🙂 but we all have our place where we belong, I think.