neolithic daydreams

I’ve been reading The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow. The pages were turning quickly until I got to this part almost half way through, and then I was stopped in my tracks. I’m not interested in reading any further. It seems like the whole purpose of reading this book was to get to this section. It’s on my mind a lot — this new awareness is calming the agitation that’s developed from current events. It’s like I know where I belong, I know my lineage. And – needless to say, it reminds me so much of what is important among this circle of ragmates.
So I’ll be quoting from the book, pages 237-239 and 245. I think I’ll spread it out over a few posts. This comes from a section called “On Woman, the Scientist.”
…where evidence exists, it points to strong associations between women and plant-based knowledge as far back as one can trace such things.
By plant-based knowledge, we don’t just mean new ways of working with wild flora to produce food, spices, medicines, pigments or poisons. We also mean the development of fibre-based crafts and industries, and the more abstract forms of knowledge these tend to generate about properties of time, space and structure.
page 237, The Dawn of Everything

Looks like a good book. I love that quote. It definitely seems to fit the ragmates circle.
It’s daunting in size, but it’s good. The respect they show for women feels very healing.
how the voting in Kansas this past Tuesday did much to “calm the agitation that’s developed from current events” … I dare to hope that sanity may prevail in November
meantime, I’ve put a library reserve on the book and will most likely turn right to this section!
Kansas was a real surprise, but positive I agree. I’m continuing with the book but having trouble maintaining my interest after this section!