Island Wool
I was lucky enough to go to a reception for a local exhibit called “Island Wool” featuring the work of Susan Barrett Merrill, Geri Valentine, and Susanne Grosjean. The exhibit had a really cozy feeling, accessible and nurturing, focused on wool, natural dyeing, and friendships. Susanne makes rugs with her wool, and Geri makes fabulous knitted wearables. But I was really keen to see the woven and felted creations of Susan Barrett Merrill. I just took a few photos. I spoke to her briefly and told her how inspiring I found her work. I showed her a mini mask I’d made (inexpertly), adapting her instructions for a small loom. She was impressed and suggested I wear it on my lapel! I never thought of that. We talked about the personas that arrive with the weaving of masks, how I felt that, and how she wants to “see who’s there” when she’s putting her pieces together. I mentioned Margery Knott, another blogger in this circle at Sharing Trickster’s Hoard who has a connection with Susan, and we exclaimed joyfully over her work for awhile.
I might go back to look at the work with fewer people around and less commotion. But meanwhile, here are a few pieces I found especially meaningful.

I like the Oma’s simplicity and her majestic ruff.

What a fascinating exhibit with the added bonus of speaking to the creators and of learning that weeds offer up gifts for those of us who naturally dye cloth.
I am simply in awe of woven masks and I am so fortunate to have received one of Margery’s masks when she put several up on her blog to find homes: I chose Forest Sings Herself Into Being and she is a living presence in my home.
Here is the link to the masks and Forest is the 2nd photo:
How wonderful to have one of Margery’s creations. I really enjoyed the exhibit.