This is the vegetable garden as the sun went down last night. It might look better in sunshine, but it was so peaceful in there at this time of day. Later in the summer it will look more overgrown and burnt out, but now it’s all fresh and ready to go.
The peas are massive and need to be picked and shelled. The fava beans (rear row) will be harvested this weekend. We are eating broccoli, escarole, potatoes, chard, spinach. There’s red lettuce directly under the peas and we could probably harvest some of those beets now. Cabbage heads are forming. There are tomatoes on a trellis behind me out of the photo.
A few pink poppies are visible at the lower right. There are more in the bed behind me. They are all volunteers, from an original seed packet that came from Helen and Scott Nearing’s Good Life Center in Harborside, Maine. There are second-year flowering parsnips at the far left center, making seeds.

Today is cloudy, maybe a bit of rain.
THIS, oh, yes.. a Place of Gladdening
It’s a beautiful, giving place.
Wow! What a beautiful garden!
It’s the most beautiful time of year, everything growing well, not yet past its peak.
how beautiful, there is peace here.
I have to remember to notice the peace.