
4 Responses

  1. Marti says:

    It has been such a long time since we have traveled anywhere beyond our own town. so your photos of your trip to Canada are a wonderful treat. The 2nd to the last photo of the woman, with fly away hair, holding onto her umbrella could not be more apt for how so many of us are feeling in this moment, holding on with all of our might…!

  2. Liz A says:

    sounds (and looks) like quite a lovely sojourn … although I would have harumphed along with you at the dearth of native plantings in the sculpture garden (nice sculptures though) … we are so fortunate to have the National Wildflower Center just ten minutes up the road … all native plantings all the time, often with a roadrunner thrown in for good measure

    • Catherine says:

      I enjoy learning about native plants so much, it seems a shame to have a big garden like that and not do at least some education! The National Wildflower Center must be fabulous.

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