There are a lot of little trails around here. Uncountable. I got my car inspected today and took a quick walk down Old Route One. Just 10 minutes and I was at a trail head. Number 5 on the map.

I walked down Old Pond Trail until I came to a stream running across it with very muddy backs. Decided I better turn around and go pick up the car.

A very loud woodpecker was pecking. this and the cold cloudy weather made the forest seem primeval.

After i got the car, I decided to check out the Ice Pond trails just down the road. I’ve seen the signs, but never stopped until today. These trails are maintained by a different organization, Frenchman’s Bay Conservancy. I walked to Ice Pond, then turned around.

I love maps ??
I really like maps too. I can’t resist taking a photo of them so I’ll have it on my phone. Sometimes it comes in handy!