The bluebird of happiness

I am happy to say we saw this bluebird on our bird feeder today AND then checking out the vacant bluebird house in the side yard. There are bluebirds nesting near us, through the woods and down the hill toward the community garden. But we’ve been trying to attract some here for a few years without success. Until today.
It feels like a blessing!
Awesome! I miss bluebirds here, but we have two kinds of blue jays. A lot noisier, but fun to watch.
We have blue jays too, but I haven’t seen them lately. I am just thrilled that a bluebird came to visit. My dad used to love bluebirds and built houses for them.
to see a bluebird on the wing is sheer joy
I think I heard one singing too, and it was so delightful!
Cool. I’ve had bluebirds of happiness in my thoughts recently…come here to see a real one!
I love seeing them in real life. Haven’t seen this one again, maybe our locale wasn’t to its liking.