I never heard of rhodora before we moved to Maine. I learned about it from an article that made it sound amazing and mystical and very rare. I had the impression it was a plant only to be seen on nearly inaccessible mountaintops, and resigned myself to maybe never seeing any in bloom.
So it came as quite a shock when I saw pink blooms in my own yard at camp. This happened last year, 2021, and I really wanted to see it again this year. Camp is not so pleasant in May because the black flies are fierce. I don’t like to be swarmed by black flies, but I didn’t want to miss the rhodora’s blossoms. I went today with Sam who was checking the prime on the water pump next door. It was so rewarding. Not only is the rhodora I remember in spectacular bloom, but there seem to be a lot of them! I only remember one plant, but there are two closer to the building and a whole bogful closer to the lake. Mission accomplished. And I checked the bush honeysuckle I planted last year – it has leafed out and is doing well.

how much easier it is to find plants once we’ve been “introduced”
They are everywhere! It’s astonishing.
these photographs…the Biome of the first and then of course!, the dancing blossoms…and a
i love the word
it brings all manner of sensation to my brain
there was wild honeysuckle down by the creek of my childhood
Thank you for this post
and, oh,
i don’t know….camp. can you refer me to an archived post?
I love bogs. Camp is a term used a lot around here. It used to mean a bare-bones rustic cabin to stay at on a hunting or fishing trip. But over the past few years, camps are becoming more like summer get-aways, second homes for wealthy folks or for rentals to vacationers. The story of our camp is kind of long, and yes, we are renovating it, taking away its really rustic nature and making it pretty fancy (in my opinion). Kinda sad about that… It’s on Donnell Pond in Franklin, Maine, pretty close to our home. Here’s a post about it that shows a photo. https://gemtactics.net/@XRoad/2021/04/11/camp-from-the-waters-edge/