A few signs of spring. Easy to miss really, but I’m learning to pay closer attention.
The catkins on the hazelnut are elongating and getting softer and yellower. They’ve been there all winter but have been hard little brown cylinders.

The chives are starting to poke up like grass from under the thatch of last year’s dead stalks.

The tansy has new baby leaves close to the ground. I leave the dead stalks in place because they provide shelter for birds and insects over the winter. And I enjoy looking at the brown dried flower heads. And I’m lazy like that and enjoy procrastinating. Still too early to clear them.

And definitely more birds singing and flitting around in the forest. But boy, today’s wind was cold and stormy-looking clouds passed over all day. No precipitation to speak of, just a brief flurry over at Gerry’s. I bought a rug from his new partner.
having just this morning discovered what hazelnuts look like as a result of reading a post over at Bee Creative, I do hope you’ll post “after” pictures in the future to go with this “before” image of their development (and yes, I can and did look them up online, but I would love to see yours)
we didn’t know what hazelnuts looked like until we realized we had one! The squirrels accidentally left a few nuts one year that allowed us to identify it. I would be happy to post further pictures. I really like this plant. I bought more and planted them in a different location. But they’re still very small.