March energy
I’m just acting as if spring is going to arrive. I have faith, although the weather is still wintry. I feel energetic about gardening. I started some leek, shallot, cipollini, and celery seeds indoors. And I ordered seed potatoes today after procrastinating for months. I was late in ordering and I didn’t have much to choose from. But I only bought half as much as I did last year. I planted them too close last year, I think. Plus there are some potatoes sprouting in the pantry that I can plant to fill out the rows.
I washed some remnants yesterday in preparation for dyeing. Or cutting up. Or whatever. Mostly cotton double gauze, some silk. They are nice and soft.

I went through all the storage onions and removed the sprouting ones. I had a pile of skins left after this, so into the dyepot they go. A pleasure to make use of these scraps that came from the onions I planted last year.

And the star weaving is almost done. I just have to finish off the top few passes. I learned this method of four-selvedge weaving from Rebecca Mezoff and Sarah Swett, in an online course. I have to go back to the lessons regularly for a refresher on how to do various steps. Sarah recommends really packing in the weft at the end, so the white warps are not even visible. So I have a ways to go. I really like it and I want to make another.

March energy is an unknown entity to me. The star looks great.
I was surprised by the energy I felt yesterday. Thinking back, this happens every year. Also, it comes & goes. Today is warmer but I feel more sluggish. ?
double gauze is wondrous stuff
I love it. I’ve tried to pull it apart, but the layers are attached to each other with innumerable little threads. Better to just leave it as double. It’s so nice and soft.