What I’m up to
A new plan for the khaki cloth. I’m going to double up the strips on the sides. The earlier design had strips horizontally through the upper area, which now feels too constraining. I’m going to stitch this part together. I’m getting tired of laying down all these small pieces!

The white at the bottom is some fabric I got from a friend that’s the right width for either an inner layer or a backing. It has a bright green print on other side, not sure about that. The scattered squares at the top are a new color scheme in progress – pinks, reds, oranges, blues. I think it might be interesting to shade into a different set of colors for the upper half. We’ll see.
In the background is a rug I bought from a neighbor last week. She bought it from an older couple who had purchased it in 1973, but were now downsizing. My neighbor couldn’t keep it because it was incompatible with dog hair. It is really vibrant and soft under foot, gives me a feeling of a protective cocoon. According to my neighbor, it was handmade in Turkestan. The fringe is fuzzy and dark gray/brown and looks coarse like yak.
Another little weaving is in progress on the pipe loom. For this one, I restricted the colors to the three primaries. The skein of yarn my friend gave me had two shades of blue so there’s some inadvertent variation.

And I’m picking up drawing practice again. Enjoying it.

love your meadow … and yes, the re-re-re-arranging … how some folks make it look so easy to compose seemingly random patches
I’m sure I could tinker some more with the arrangement. But it’s “diminishing returns” at the moment. Best to just stitch it together, I think! or at least into larger components.