Snow on spruce
We went to the Co-op today to do a big grocery shopping in advance of the coming snowstorm. They are still predicting 15″ for Saturday. That’s a lot of snow, more than we’ve had for a few years. Sam is doing remarkably well. He can’t shovel snow obviously but we plowed together in a trial run yesterday. There was just an inch or two of new snow on the driveway. I drove the pickup truck and he operated the plow. It worked okay, but it’s a different story to do it in a foot of snow! We’ll see how it goes.
That kind of major grocery run takes all day. That’s my mantra, but I seem to forget how time-consuming it is. I always think I’ll have time to work on (play with) one of my projects. I did have a few minutes, so I got my playtime. I took a photo recently of these spruce boughs with a layer of snow. I just love the pattern the snow makes, how it simplifies the branch structure. I can probably use this for something. The gray-on-white one is especially pretty.

I am finding GIMP almost impossible to work with because 1) the screen text is intolerably small and 2) it has way more complicated features than I will ever need or understand. There’s no reason why I should have to struggle with this. I need to find a new image editing tool. I refuse to use Adobe products that want to rope me into cloud-based software. There has to be something else out there…
how they hold the snow like uplifted palms
they seem designed to hold snow
we have been watching Landscape Artist of the Year episodes on YouTube and saw one artist who used a subtractive process by cutting multiple stencils through which he reconstructed his view of each landscape … your sequence of images puts me in mind of that and I quite like the final image best, but especially within the context of the two that precede it
and glad to know you are well-provisioned … fifteen inches, yikes!
The spruce image really interests me and I might play with it some more. Visualizing it as a weaving with three colors, but that would be a stretch for me! Maybe an applique also?
A whole new pattern/look created! It’s beautiful and it does sound like a lot of snow to me!
Thanks, Nancy. I think we ended up with 13″ or so. Not too bad.