Poetic palette
This exercise is from India Flint’s course being (t)here. Take a photo and extract nine colors. She used screen shots, I used my rusty GIMP skills. Write poetic lines about each.
The photo I used is “sky blanket” from here. I haven’t written the lines yet, but I had fun extracting and naming the color squares. I might try another method to get more of the textures and color variation in each square. I might try to recreate with watercolor.
It’s a good exercise for me right now when things seem very hectic. Sam’s going in for a heart operation in January (CABG – “cabbage” – coronary artery bypass graft(s)). Plus holidays. Plus Covid.

Color names:
- Lemon sky
- Distant Island
- Water reflection
- Dark mud
- Touch of pink sky
- Gravel
- Salmon sky
- Pale sky
- Conifer
sending hopes for Sam’s well-ness … a full recovery and better things to come
and this exercise reminds me of the linear color palettes in Tansy Hargan’s recent online class “Finding your colour voice” … I need to get back to that
thanks for your good wishes, Liz. It’s going to be a difficult few months ahead. And isn’t working with color just so satisfying.
the names came very easily
I like to go back and re-read blog posts so I am so glad that I did because I missed this one Catherine:
Sending you good hopes that Sam will be well after his ordeal as will you, in the months ahead. I understand some of what you and he will be experiencing. In the summer of 2020, my 77 yr old husband went to the VA hospital for a simple heart procedure ,an angiogram, and ended up spending 13 days in the hospital undergoing quadruple by-pass heart surgery, a totally unexpected event. This all took place in the throes of Covid and I was not allowed to be with him during any of this. A hard time in any situation, but under Covid, doubly difficult.
In the end, R is doing very well, in better shape than before . What I learned is that I had more strength than I realized. We never know how we will handle the unexpected, but somehow, we always manage to surprise ourselves with our resiliency. Sending you healing blessings as you head into these next months. Surrounding you with the color of blue and green, my two favorite healing colors; blue for calm, green for hope….
Thank you so much for this message and for sharing your experience, Marti. It helped me a lot to read this on a morning when I’m feeling a lot of negativity. Love to you & your husband.