Starting with wind
It’s stormy. Not raining yet, but the wind is fierce and kicking up waves.
An exhilarating morning walk, not too cold, but very blowy.

I often resolve something on my walk. Today it was this — I need to resume writing morning pages. My mind is beset with confusions and it seems much is changing. I am not feeling content about November, I don’t know why. I usually love November.
Maybe I’m a writer after all and I should embrace that, whatever that means.

But I don’t always follow through with my resolutions when my walk is over. A counter – many important transitions (projects?) in my life have started with a notebook.
Back at home, I harvested the first stalk of Brussels Sprouts. They are so hilarious. And some escarole and radicchio. Before it starts raining.
how good it must be to have water so close by … to walk along the edge is a wondrous thing and the thoughts that come are so often worth attending to
Yes, I am so very aware lately of how much I love walking along the water.
Morning pages — I have to resume a regular practice too. I always feel better when I do. As far as Being A Writer, I want to share AWA founder Pat Schneider’s encouraging words: a writer is someone who writes.
I love that. I used to write so much and have been doing other things with my time for awhile. But I miss it and always feel like I need to write more.