Irregular rhythms
I’m having difficulty finding a rhythm. The extended warm weather has thrown me off. Today’s clouds and cooler temperatures come as a relief, an invitation to get a little rest and regrouping time. It seems like my “making” projects are stalled or at the beginning, without momentum.
Anyway, I’m trying to stay calm – why not? – and realize this is just what’s happening.
I made a new page to expose some online writing I did back in 2000-2001. I really like some of these pieces and wanted to be able to access them more easily without having to remember where I’d hidden them. The format needs more work, but at least I can get to them without having to use the Dreamhost File Manager.
I am going to warp the Mirrix Saffron again. Rebecca Mezoff has added a helpful video on warping the Saffron to her Little Looms course (paid – not sure if there’s a free version of this video).

I cut some papers that I got from a friend to make Stiff Leaved Photo Albums, October’s Handmade Book Club project. But I don’t think I’ll be displaying photos. Maybe some monotypes? No vision as of yet.

And if I don’t do something with these dye flowers soon, the opportunity will be gone. Maybe it’s enough to just observe them as they are now, in mid-October.

do something or just observe them…..Yes. that moment. i smile.
the mirrix loom … I don’t think I ever saw one like that and now I’m putting it on my wish list … thank you!
It’s called the Saffron. They have a large variety of looms and I think this is their smallest.
So this loom…you can change the length? Cool. That’s something I would like.
Yes, you can change the length. It is not very tall (10 inches) and 5 inches wide. Small but might 🙂 I am enjoying it.