Foldable screen structure
Amazingly, I was able to attend Margo Klass’s workshop at Chapter Two. In person. In spite of the virus and catching a cold. Grateful.
I always learn a lot from Margo and she inspires me in so many ways.
The imagery was created from goldenrods in the yard. The backstory is that there are many kinds of goldenrod. I’m trying to train my wildflower discernment capabilities, so I’m trying to learn to distinguish a few goldenrod. Left to right: wrinkleleaf goldenrod (Solidago rugosa), grass-leaved goldenrod (Euthamia graminifolia), and Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis). The wrinkleleaf is the most imposing one, tall and looks like an explosion of flowers. The grass-leaved is much more petite and sedate. It may actually be an aster not a goldenrod, the documentation I was reading is not conclusive. The Canada variety is very common around here and fills field after field.
Dyeing with goldenrod in the near future, if I can pull it together.
I made many many errors in putting this book together. Mostly due to rushing to finish in the timeframe of a one-day workshop. But it makes a really good sample and I hope to make some more. Maybe a set! The cyanotype process photos are included at the bottom of this post.