Houses revisited
Jude is stitching a series of cloths based on the concept of home. This inspired me of course to pull out my golden houses from last year and take another look at them. Last time I worked on these I stitched them all together at the corners to create a kind of neighborhood cluster. But I was never really happy with that setup. So I snipped them all apart and looked through my stash for dark blue or indigo colored backgrounds. Originally I was thinking red, but then I saw an ornate wall hanging in the palace setting of a Korean TV show called “100 Days My Prince.” The hanging featured golden structures on an inky blue background, and it looked great. So blue it is. Shading into purple.
First I thought the houses would parade around a border. But with only three per edge, this didn’t result in a big enough piece. Fun as it was, I don’t want to make more golden houses like this. I thought of putting them in rows as shown in the photo, which would make the blanket (or whatever it is) directional. Not sure about this either. In any case, I don’t have to decide now. I can just focus on each individual patch. Kind of a relaxing way to go. Also leaves the delightful possibility of laying them out all over again after the twelve components are done, maybe in a staggered random fashion or maybe with large patches of cloth between them.
I think they need more windows.